How to Perfect Your Clean and Press

Friday, October 6th, 2023

How to Perfect Your Clean and Press

Are you ready to elevate your strength training game and master the clean and press? Look no further! In this blog post, we've got all the tips, techniques, and secrets you need to perfect this powerful exercise. Whether you're a seasoned lifter looking to fine-tune your form or a beginner eager to make some serious gains, we've got you covered. Get ready to unleash your inner powerhouse as we delve into everything you need to know about mastering the clean and press. Let's dive in!

Section 1: Understanding the Clean and Press

What is the Clean and Press?

The clean involves lifting a barbell from the floor to shoulder height in one fluid motion. This alone requires a solid foundation of lower body strength coupled with impeccable technique. The press component comes next – hoisting that loaded barbell overhead while maintaining stability through your core and upper body.

The clean and press is a compound exercise, meaning it works multiple muscle groups at once. This makes it a highly efficient exercise for building strength and muscle mass. The primary muscles targeted in the clean and press are the shoulders, upper back, and legs. However, it also engages the core, arms, and glutes, making it a full-body exercise.

Benefits of the Clean and Press

First and foremost, the clean and press is an excellent way to improve your functional fitness. By engaging various muscle groups in one fluid motion, this exercise mimics real-life movements like lifting heavy objects or pushing things overhead. As a result, you'll develop better coordination, balance, and overall physical capability for daily activities or sports performance.

Additionally, the clean and press is highly effective for developing explosive power. The explosive nature of this movement requires rapid force generation from your lower body through to your upper body while maintaining stability throughout. Regularly incorporating cleans into your workouts will enhance your ability to generate power quickly – a skill beneficial for athletes participating in sports such as basketball or martial arts.

Furthermore, the clean and press provides an incredible stimulus for whole-body muscular development. It targets muscles across several major areas including legs (quadriceps), glutes, hamstrings, core (abdominals), shoulders (deltoids), traps, triceps – making it ideal for those seeking comprehensive muscle growth.

Section 2: Step-by-Step Guide to Perfecting Your Clean and Press Form

To perform the clean and press, first you'll need a barbell and weight plates. Follow these steps to execute the clean and press correctly:

Step 1: Set up for success

Before diving into the movement itself, ensure proper alignment. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Grip the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine.

Step 2: The clean

Initiate the movement by explosively pulling the barbell off the ground while simultaneously shrugging your shoulders up towards your ears. As the bar rises past knee level, quickly drop into a quarter squat and rotate your elbows forward, catching the barbell at shoulder level.

Step 3: Transition to press

From the front squat position, drive through your heels to stand upright while pressing upward with force from your legs. As you extend fully at hip and knee joints, transfer momentum to propel the bar overhead. With arms fully extended overhead in line with ears, squeeze glutes tightly to stabilize yourself in a lockout position.

Step 4: Lowering the weight

To complete each rep safely, reverse the movement under control by slowly bringing down the barbell to shoulder-level, then back to starting position without compromising form.

Section 3: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Mistake #1: Using too much weight

In the world of weightlifting, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of heavy weights. There is something undeniably satisfying about stacking plates on a barbell and pushing your limits. However, using too much weight can lead to a whole host of problems and hinder your progress rather than propel it.

Solution: Start with light weights or no weight at all, focusing solely on honing your technique before progressing further. Once you feel confident in your technique, gradually increase the load over time. Patience truly pays off when it comes to weightlifting. This progressive approach allows your body to adapt and develop strength without overwhelming it.

Mistake #2: Overlooking core stability

A strong core acts as the cornerstone of any successful clean and press routine. It enables you to generate more power from your lower body while effectively transferring it through your upper body during the lift. Ignoring this vital aspect not only compromises your strength but also increases the risk of injury.

Solution: Dedicate time within each training session to target core-specific exercises such as planks or Russian twists. Enhancing stability here will augment power transfer through every rep during your clean and presses.

Mistake 2: Neglecting proper hip hinge and extension

The hip hinge involves flexing at our most powerful joint, our hips. It's the action of bending forward while maintaining a neutral spine angle. However, simply understanding how to bend forward isn't enough; it's about combining it with explosive extension that sets us apart.

Solution: In order to unlock maximum strength potential during a clean and press, we must learn how to efficiently transfer energy from our hips into a full-body explosion of power. Engaging in various drills and exercises also allows individuals to practice and reinforce this skill, ultimately leading to greater proficiency and mastery in the hip hinge technique.


Mastering the clean and press can take time and practice, but with these tips, you'll be well on your way to perfecting this powerhouse of an exercise. From focusing on proper form to taking it slow, there are many ways to improve your clean and press technique. Remember to listen to your body and start with lighter weights before progressing. With dedication and consistency, you'll see progress in no time. So go ahead and add the clean and press into your workout routine for a full-body strengthening experience!

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